54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Because empathy

This is endearing in a weird way. You are such a nerd.

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I mean it’s literally their name, isn’t it?
A tree

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guys is the trolley problem not a question of how you can maximise your k/d ratio?


Truth is tho… power doesn’t make happy. Power just makes lonely and depressed because of the responsibility you have to bear :eyes:

cuz i came up with a solution of how to do so

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 4.27.03 PM


Moral dilemma resolved!

My horseshoe theory tells me that there is no difference between pulling And not pulling the Lever

Very efficient

But the knowledge that you can undo things that were built/established for ages with one word - that’s satisfying in itself. The realization that you can fire a hundred people, and it’s your decision to make. Same with directing people to the proper path, leading them.
There is responsibility in power, but there are also privileges. That’s why it’s so easy to abuse and get lost in, that’s how corruption spreads among politicians and whatever. The sheer ability to spend/direct/impact others, it’s exhilarating.

Anyway I wasn’t meant to be dragged into your nerdy philosophical discussion. Don’t mind me much.

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My theory says “1 dying is better than 5 dying, so I pull the lever”
… unless the 1 person is someone very important

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well i’ve shown my solution

really mine is yell at someone else to make the decision and blame them for whatever choice they make

There is no difference between pulling And not pulling the lever

And then the thread died

just stop the trolley lmao