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What even IS happiness… just a dumb feeling, right?




Obey the law.

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Experience of pleasure

You are the abomination I have born.

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What is pleasure… just a short moment of an useless feeling?

only if doing so promotes flourishing more than not doing so :^)

Obey the LAW.

which to be fair it ?usually? does?

Why care about the good of people/lifeforms in general when you can care exclusively about yourself? Things become much easier that way.

Short or long feeling that We interpritate as positive

I don’t see happiness as positive tho…
I see “having influence, having an impact on the world” as positive

By this I mean time it is experienced

Because … if you had no impact on the world, your life didn’t matter at all. You could have just not existed.

By happiness I meant longlasting experience of positive emotions

Having influence isnt positive in itself rather feeling/emotion you experience from acknowledging it ofc depending on Person

I mean, even if you have some impact on the world - it will never last. While happiness is subjective and its your own decision to pursue it or not, I think that the two aren’t necessarily detached or opposite.
You can feel long lasting satisfaction purely because you wield a position of power, or because you are recognized for something. That’s basically ‘happiness’, isn’t it.

I dont see that matters ofc feeling of impacting something might matter

By this I mean joy from achievement

I disagree but your flourishing is still important even though you’re wrong :^)

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Arete is a tree.

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