54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

just stop the trolley by crashing it into a children’s home

The real solution to the trolley problem is to just walk away as long as there’s no evidence that you could’ve ever stopped/prevented this whole thing from happening, or were somehow complicit in it.

i was thinking with explosives but this is a viable alternative

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Just also lay on the track so you don’t feel bad about your decision and maybe derail the train. Duh.

I’d be heading back to college yesterday or today under normal circumstances

obviously social distancing is important but the fact that this is not happening feels vaguely sad

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yeah but think of all the extra time you can spend with the people who truly matter… us!

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this forum is the only reliable group of friends i’ve had for the past 14 months
so . . . thanks


definitely has helped me stave off depression when i’ve needed it

This forum is like a fever dream sometimes

Forum is wack

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Signups posted for me and marshals game lets hope it makes it through review lmao


not signups

we have not posted signups

ill review your game

Its late and I just got done with work and im tired

update: your game sucks :^)

and I swallow whats your point

katze you looked at the “randomizer” files dingus



the randomizer setup is glorious