54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

what is this genre you’re referring to

gues who here watched a 3 hour production of Jane Eyre last night, and guess whether or not it was really really really goooooooooooooooooood

it wasnt

What’s that?

HP (and the) Methods of Rationality

no it was legitimately incredible, and if the National Theatre releases a load of old productions from the private educational archives during the pandemic you should watch it

Also oh god oh fuck we’re about to have an online class.

we’re doing distance learning, but nothing where the teacher is in a voice call

the blanket term is “glowfic” but the problem is that plenty of it sucks

if I were you and wanted to try it out I would start with Silmaril and more specifically I would start with the Demon Cam arc because at that point the Silmaril authors had actually mostly figured out pacing

your mileage will heavily vary on whether this is something you are interested in or not

also it’s sort of a Silmarillion fic but I had 0 Silm knowledge going in and was fine, and the same is true of most readers

please don’t judge my for my immature interests

yeah we’re doing that at 13:30 today
thankfully i don’t have to talk

oh arete and simon are discussing LotR fanfics okay :^)

SILMARILLION fanfics, thank you very much

no i mean im not doing that. nothing synchronous

i associate the word “fanfiction” with nothing good so ill pretend that not-bad fanfiction can exist

y’all are nerds tho

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i was just expressing the sheer relief of not having to speak on a video call and instead typing comments

actually i was more on the rationalist fics side of it (i think thats the term. its been a while) and arete is showing me this now

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oh no is a rationalist fic like Hary Potter and the Set of All Sets Which Do Not Contain Themselves

fanfiction is a neutral work.

it just means works in an established universe that are not written or endorsed by the official creator. this can be both good and bad

yes that is basically what hpmor is

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my boy bertrand has a lot to answer for

ALSO Linta is really good!! I like her a lot!! this is only partially because I like her writing