54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Wait yeah if ToL was multiball Cult would match Unseen.

Oh god.

Hey at least I didn’t make the Possessor joke.

I could see the arguments either way

Cult and Unseen can’t win together

What Possessor joke :eyes:

haha :eyes:

I’ll just… Show you in a moment.

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that sounds vaguely sexual
get away

Up that to first 20 games.

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fuck you forums let me use :wink: ; )

you said this in my DMs literally last night

I’ve said that 2 years ago. Your point?

Wait I’m an idiot and thought Maid was based on whether or not they can win with BD.

Ans, are you a Princess? Because you keep trying to flirt with people.

totally original and not stolen joke here


@arete we’re just side projects for ans :pensive:

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wow… re-using ToL pick up lines

Are you a neutral…? because you always seem to fuck me over when you get the chance

I’m readying my newspaper.

kat are you a d1 alch?

cuz i wish you didnt exist <3


are you a pretender

cause I hate you and im glad you’re gone :^)

Tbh these can still go creepier.

:rage: Pretender Good Class!