54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

you’re just wrong

Pretenders out.

Arete are you mac for ToL?

because you seemed to stop giving me support when i needed it most :sob:

this is funniest if I pretend it’s about our hydra game

are you a handmaiden?

because mechanically you’re next to useless and socially your best utility is just dying

wow this is actually mean

and half inaccurate

Katze are you an inactive scumbuddy?

because i’d gladly throw you under a bus the first chance i got.

marshal are you a marshal?

because, being a ToL player, you confuse the shit out of me in FoL

(i just wanted to call you a marshal, fol marshal isnt really that complex)


when would you get this feedback

@Marshal surely you know

as soon as you bribe the person

i give them monopoly money

if they are stupid enough to accept, they are BD

…how much monopoly money

a crisp 500 bill

and a dorito

$500 is $500

@anon6348071 are you me? because when I read your longposts they just seem very credible

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I cant see what im typing

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Damn y’all already reading eachother’s longposts?

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throwback to a grand idea game when marshal softed their (fake) class by saying “im arete but not arete” and i assumed they were claiming Teleology

i think arete also assumed as such

and nobody understood why i came to that conclusion

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To be fair wallposts are great, I unironically love them

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Back me up against a wallpost pls

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throwback to the same game where arete got strongmanned n1 as a neutral

and after saying i assumed marshal was claiming Teleology, someone actually claimed Teleology

and then i pretended to be a day rolecop

and someone used their dayvig wrong and never posted again

and my passive got me killed and ended the game