54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Even a better reason to go rest and continue this conversation later, it’s not like Ici is going to run off forever. Or will he?
Nonetheless, rest is important. Also writing delicious wallposts is harder when you are exhausted so go already.


i’m baaack

i get them not getting why we do it instead of the normal method of implying emotions by saying the literal opposite of them

but the fact that neurotypicals seem to find flapping hands as actively bad is what’s really mystifying

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in fairness though i usually express emotions by pacing around rooms at different paces, but there are situations where I can’t easily do that where hand-flapping is my prefered method of emotional expression

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I cant have problem with talking to people irl Cuz I never talk to them irl


fool just subconciously set up a code based on how you walk around the room that you’ve never told anybody


happy: basically just dance around the room, randomly hide in curtains, occasionally say “pew pew pew”, etc. (only a slight exxageration)
angry: do not pace the room. simply sit or stand perfectly in place
sad: look at the sky while working with a faint, empty smile on your face
excited: remember happy? now imagine that but more, generally paired with singing.
fear: hide in curtains, or somewhere else that’s comfortable other than the inside of curtains when wrapped around you

there are probably others i’m missing

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by the way nobody except you guys know this thing because quite frankly it’s too embarassing for me to explain to somebody who emotes more traditionally


like how am i supposed to explain that i express sadness based on a combination of traits picked up from watching sadness on television and the fact that i hate the sensation of crying for reasons more than it’s sad

seriously who thought it was a good idea to make sadness juice have an awful viscosity

I wish we could just disable our emotions at will in general.
Together with the need to sleep and sustenance.

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i’m fine with being sad but crying is gross and dumb and it feels awful, especially when the tears drip into his mouth

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into my mouth i mean my god why am i talking about myself in third person

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Not to mention that you somehow feel even worse after it.

yeah because it has this really acidic feeling on your skin

what about either a 2d or 3d graph? then you have at least two axees where neither affects the other, and then the origin would still be neurotypical, and distance would be distance from the neurotypical. not necessarily good or bad, that depends from person to person (although there might be a relationship between distance to NT and how good/bad it affects them).

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What if instead

oh no

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Actually can we talk about the Oxford definition of that

Because since when is historical context given in definitions

Never understood that one