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i disagree with eugenics at a conceptual level because it’s near universally ableist garbage

I disagree with it because #Freedom

mate you wouldn’t be tortured and killed if a party supporting eugenics took over

I don’t think you would be either, barring extremists

But “what if extremists that hate specifically me took over” is something we could all say and is pretty meaningless imo

Obviously many people have bad opinions on that front but I doubt you’d ever seriously be at risk of being “tortured” any time soon in the UK

orange this isn’t outside of the realm of possibility considering the shit that literal nazis did to anybody with disabilities, and the fact that fascism is on the rise again

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I think the rise of a second group like the Nazis is something we should all be able to sleep without worrying about until there’s sufficient reason to be worried and atm I’m really not seeing it

after all, a requisite to practising eugenics would be to determine “objectively” if somebody has ASD “severe” enough to deserve being eliminated from the gene pool, and pretty much the only way to find something like that out rigorously would be with institutional torture. tying hands to see if the stimming is needed to stay functional. constantly putting us in unpleasant situations filled with horrible sensations to check if we can function. this would be a neccecity to even consider carrying out eugenics

Ici not to like support the viewpoint but I’m pretty sure most people in favor of eugenics are only in it for the “passing traits on” part and not the “removing undesired ones forcefully” part

you cannot posit the existence of negative traits that should be eliminated from the gene pool without scientifically proving they are negative. when we are dealing with actual people, the only method would be unethical

right, but my point is that they’d inadvertantly torture us in order to determine objectively if we had negative traits. it’s impossible to avoid.

=/= outright murdered

I think we’re overreacting here, unless there are actually Nazis specifically rising to power over there

orange your president was partially thrusted to power by Steve Bannon, a man with numerous connections to fascist organisations and a follower of a man who disliked the Nazis because they didn’t go far enough, and who was responsible for a large amount of the organisation behind the Trump campaign

i have my reasons for fearing a fascist take-over

That’s here and tbh Trump’s not that racist

He’s all too happy to have them on his side, but he himself isn’t anything near the Nazis

i mean. you dont have to be tortured and/or killed to be removed from the gene pool

you just have to be sterilized

yes Simon that’s so much better

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well no
either the science is undermined by the fact its’ tenets are unchecked
or they do stick to the science, and thus have to determine the exact dehabilitating factors of autism, thereby inevitably torturing us


I too am not a big torture fan (surprise)

But like

That’s not something either of us genuinely needs to worry about right now

Some places do have systemic issues that lead to literally torturing certain groups of people

But I really doubt that’s going to be either of us in the near future

Energy seems better spent on places where it’s a problem now imo

well like yes something like that might haunt a person, torture is more of a prolonged thing.
and it certainly isnt death.

like let me be clear im not supporting this, im just being clear on what the effects would actually be.

and i’m explaining why hypothetically i oppose all forms of eugenics, because the torture of neurodivergent individuals is inevitable under such a system.