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I’m myself only vaxxing in case I’m in a risk group. Because most stuff isn’t too dangerous for a young healthy adult

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Herd immunity is kept safe by law. The public does not need to worry about it. That’s the health services job.

also while it doesnt always directly mean it opinions influence other opinions person holds

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If herd immunity was at risk of being made obsolete the government just pass law requiring people be immunised and it doesn’t become a problem.

Except when people are able to get exceptions relatively freely, it is paired with an increase in preventable disease almost every time.

Educating people who make these decisions out of ignorance is crucial.

there’s a thing called democracy
parties won’t vote forced herd immunity if their vote base is full of antivaxxers


It is entirely possible that Priestess’s friend is someone who has made the conscious choice to avoid vaccines due to taking issue with specific ingredients or actual health concerns

But that is not the majority of people

In my country everyone has a health insurance, so there is NO reason to build a herd immunity. Just vaxx the risk groups

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look basic epidimeology says that even if you’re not in a risk group, you should vaccinate to heavily reduce your risk of being a vector to immunocompromised patients or people with weaker immune systems.

also, vaccines have advanced to a point where they are not realisitcally dangerous


Exactly this

who have been vaccined against the disease

If they have weak immune systems to the point of their immunity to a disease being compromised they’re hospitilized in isolation

Vaccines don’t have 100% success

Additionally, people who are immunocompromised are often unable to get certain vaccines

there’s still a god damned risk
certain people cannot vaccinate because the very principle of vaccination is to insert a weakened disease into somebody to give them antibodies against that disease
if you’re immunocompromised for whatever reason, guess what


It’s both selfish and stupid to roll the dice on your own immune system rather than taking a really easy step to help prevent suffering

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Who are pretty much screwed at that point since they can’t handle a disabled disease, the common cold will kill them

you cannot take certain vaccines, because even they could kill you or cause serious harm
those are the people herd immunity protects, even when not identified.

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and herd immunity protects them by making it much harder to catch certain highly contagious and deadly diseases, even beyond the common cold

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the cold isn’t even highly contagious tbh, the reason we’ve never been able to get rid of it is because… guess what! it can adapt antigens highly quickly and thus cannot be vaccinated against! oops!

Then once again flu just kills you, and by that point you’re at an ICU or dead.

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