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yeah im agreeing with you

they’re all horrible, but the reason they’re all horrible is for the reason they’re grouped together (which is why i can say with certainty it applies to all of them) anti-vaxxers. they either dont believe or dont trust how vaccines work, and even if not applied to a child that can still be dangerous/bad

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Yep yep

That’s completely false.

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Anti-vaxx =/= ableists, nor child abusers.
Automatically assuming that makes you as bad as the people you fight against.

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Same. I know high intelligent anti-vaxxers.

That is not the part I was disagreeing with

And I question that statement

Like if you put your own children and others at risk of disease I’m not sure that’s “highly intelligent” ever

People may have other areas of high intellect that doesn’t involve the medical field.

You don’t need to be a medical expert to understand that, barring unusual circumstances, risking people to disease is bad

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Especially right now that much should be obvious

Depends on the risk. I’m not particularly worried about polio in Great Britain.

But if enough people are sufficiently un-worried, that’s how diseases come back.

It’s a problem.

NHS would just monitor rates of immunisation and if they get too low they can just pass law.
But yes, that could happen, but law prevents it

(oh no no no laugh)

My best friend is antivaxxer. She’s becoming a maths prof at university in a few years, and she’s not vaccined against anthing. I was sceptic, but she’s actually right. She has a very strong immune system and she got never sick.

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And that is a perfect example of a bad argument

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not the fucking point


herd immunity is basic shit


Knowing someone who is a standout is not a reason to promote things that are scientifically proven to be bad

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