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not everybody who can’t take vaccines are at full fucking AIDS level of immunocompromisation!


This is not an argument we should need to be having in the middle of a pandemic where the entire fucking strategy is isolation

Vaccines are essentially just that but without restricting your actions

my goodness, i barely paid attention in Biology and even i know that medical reasons are the only valid reasons to not vaccinate

So is an ICU

ah yes
instead of everybody protecting themselves from a disease and saving themselves inconvenience, which also protects somebody who could go out with very little risk of getting some dangerous disease they could not be vaccinated for, just fucking put them in jail
wonderful strategy


the anti-vaxx movement does not refer to “people who have not vaccinated”, it refers to morons who are spreading the myth that vaccines are in any way harmful to the majority of the population

I don’t see how the minority of people in Britain where there is herd immunity who don’t decide to get the polio vaccine are morons.

the anti-vaxx movement threatens herd immunity with its’ misinformation. that is what i’m saying.

It isn’t misinformation that some people can’t be bothered/don’t have the time to immunise for polio is what I’m saying. And I’m also saying that if you’re immunocompromised to the point of not being able to get a dead vaccine you’re screwed. Of course there is the exception of those who cannot take live vaccines, but again, at that point they should be in isolation because a bad influenza A could easily take them out.

the other problem is that since the main “evidence” that is usually cited is that discredited study that was later retracted claiming that vaccines cause autism, which leads to a huge amount of ableism amongst the anti-vaccination movement. that’s why i feel an intense dislike towards them, because they sometimes act like they’d rather have a dead child than a neurodivergent one

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I’m not talking about them when I refer to the anti-vaxx movement, though.

I refer to those bastards who refuse to vaccinate their children.

I wrote a 1000 word essay for school on vaccines and why you should vaccinate if your worry is autism.
Not all anti-vaxx people are ableists. For the people that are scared of autism, I don’t blame them for not wanting their children to have a higher risk of suffering socially, mentally and with their life. I would however prefer them to vaccinate.

But there is no evidence for their belief. And if you believe that you’d rather have a child who has a higher risk of dying from a contagious disease than even potentially have any kind of neurodivergence, then you are an ableist bastard, without exception.

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Again, I don’t particularly see why not getting certain vaccines that are protected by herd immunity immediately classes someone as ableist.

They are fed that information usually from their parents. They actually believe it has a higher risk.
Even if we look at the vaccines as obviously not causing it, they believe it. Same premise happens in terrorism. Most of them are spoonfed by their brothers/cousins that what they fight for is right.
They don’t do it because they’re explictly evil. They do it because they believe they are protecting their children from struggling.

That is not what I’m saying when I say anti-vaxxer. I am talking about people who believe they are harmful, and spread that misinformation.

People who don’t vaccinate for personal reasons are… not evil, but misguided. But people who refuse to vaccinate on the grounds of it ““causing autism”” are bastards.

A fool whoose foolish beliefs usually sends them into a death spiral against their children is evil.

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I again don’t see why people who believe they are protecting their children from struggling later in life are evil. They see the risk of autism higher than the risk of catching disease.
If they believe that autism is a worse fate than catch a disease then yeah, that’s pretty evil. It depends on their view. If they believe the risk of getting autism is higher than catching a disease and would rather take their chances on the disease then no, they aren’t evil.

I’m not member of an “antivaxx movement” or something like that. Its just not usual to vaxx against flu here, because its not seen as reasonable here in Germany. Reason, not fear.