54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

…what haven’t i done?

Should I get your mother in here

she already wants to sacrifice me

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Don’t worry, just make her laugh and she legally cannot sacrifice you

Perhaps you should join the ranks of the Unseen, for although many of our members are happy to trade their lives for the cause, none are ever forced to make such an exchange.

deviant is banned

i think you meant to say what have i done to kat?


oh god

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Marshal no

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you’re the bottom here don’t talk like you’re tough

the unseen are gamers

our real secret is that we include weed in our initiation letters and are like “there’s more where that came from in our basement”

Imagine converting anyone, when you can just be a member of the [THIS FACTION IS REDACTED]

But drugs are wack

I can’t buy into this organization or else I’ll be hunted down by the FBI instead of real criminals

Of course my words are right, Arete. I have seen the truth laid out before me, I have been revealed the true path: the path of both Corax and Mithras. They haven’t closed me off from anything, instead, they have brought me closer to it - and they could do the same for you, too.

And I do not mean to insult you in my comparison, for even your cultists could not fall nearly to the level of the Blue Dragon

You are correct about one thing - the Blue Dragon are blind fools, the lowest of low. Yet truly, you and your Unseen should know better than any others that there is a higher path for all of you. You can do more. You can be more.

And I believe that you are capable of accepting this as well. All you have to do is to stop and listen to yourself. All you have to do is stand with me.

You were thinking about it, weren’t you? The one faction starting with S.

What’s wrong with being a member of the Sand of Byzantium

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It’s coarse, rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere.


“im not a memer” he says

we all know the true best faction, though

the uwu faction

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