54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute


i loved that

it was funny
but alongside the coconut, hearing it for the 100th time gets a bit draining





im sad nobody liked the color i presented earlier

Do you know what arete means, Anstreim? Arete is excellence, striving to reach your full potential in everything you do. There’s a reason I chose that as my name when I joined the Unseen: because the Unseen allows its members to unlock our true potential.

A Court Wizard who joins the Unseen throws off the shackles that the Blue Dragon has trapped them in, becoming a true Sage capable of limitless potential. Yet I cannot say the same for your Ritualists, for they are weaker than before, a shell of their former power. The same is true of anyone you care to name. In the Unseen, they unlock their true potential. In the Cult, they find themselves trapped and powerless.

You ask me if this is how I view you, and the truth is that it isn’t. Yet that is why I am reaching out to you. You are special, Anstreim, for I know that you have the potential within you to see what the Cult has done to you, how the lies they whisper in your ears have corrupted you. You say you chose willingly, you say you were rewarded – but is this half-life truly one you can call a reward?

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Do you know what marshal means, Anstreim?

Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 10.32.09 PM

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**Slightly different spell

Doesn’t Sage still get infinite nados

Yeah they do in ToL

CW has infinte empower
I get, but no

The physician who joins the unseen learns that they can “prescribe” themselves and the other unseen medical marijuana

using the full of their abilities

They can’t target fellow gang members
Only bd gets the kush

Also they get to defile some graves


FoL is made by evil forumers
Doesn’t count

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FoL has iso

thus it is evil

