54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Get ready for me to repeatedly reccur 3feri from my graveyard :kissing:

literally the only good thing white has going for it is boardwipes and the fact you need to splash into it for Teferi

Dreamtrawler and conquers death

hippo to be frank i need to be prepared for the Teferipocalypse, so this should be good training

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Theros was gr8 for white

those are kinda both Azorious things, though? like monowhite legit cannot stand on its’ own

Yeah I agree

we need a proper explanation from Mark Rosewater as to how high he was when he thought adding 4 new Teferis to the game was a good idea.

Every azorious card is mainly just blue aswell lol

Teferi has bounce which is blue, card draw which is blue, and sorcery manipulation which is blue.

They just shove white onto things out of pity

Surely he remembers how obnoxious Teferi’s deisgn space has been so far?

i feel like the next Teferi might have something stupid like Scry 6 on his uptick or something like that at 4 mana

I doubt they’ll do another 3 mana teferi this standard at least. I bet well get a pushed 5, a shitryy booster box 6 and maybe an uncommon 4

Or a 2 mana one lmao

why couldn’t they just give the people what they want? four new tibalts!

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core set 2022 had better be the Tibalt Core Set

Fblthp core set when?

Fblthp is very good at getting lost i’m sure that he could get lost into other dimensions

what i’m saying is Fblthp walker when

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So r u taking the temur one btw?

nah i think i’ll go Jeskai
it seems interesting as a build-around