54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

this set is an either bigger meme than Eldraine i swear

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I love it how theres all these crazy mechanics and then just cycling, the most basic mechanic ever created lol

I do love cycling tho

i meant an even bigger meme

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I hope they add a U 1/1 unblockable to the game again fits well with mutate

Or a UU 1/1 hexproof or something

Did unblockable get a counter? I dont think so

@Icibalus start saving wildcard I’m challenging u to an ikoria themed brawl imma have the temur one as my commander unless u want it, choose one of the other wedgessss

The sultai ones seems best just cuz it’s in sultai lolada

Altho the abzan one isn’t revealed yet and I reckon it will involve reanimation caused by mutating which cld be cool


The mardu ones so bad hahaha

Snapdax says trans rights

yeah i’m probably going to play the sultai one fair warning

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i’m annoyed that you stole the cool one but whatever
i’m already saving up wildcards

i mean i do enjoy Abzan as a colour combinatin, though? even though white is a baaad colour right now

U can take temur and I’ll go jeskai if u want idm

I assume I have a few more cards so u choose whatever

thanks i guess

Idk whites p good in brawl cuz u can smash in 5 different board wipes lol