54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

are we going to see two cards be banned from Brawl/Commander 15 minutes after they are revealed???

I think this one is less broken, though, since it’s not thaaat hard to deal with a white 1/3 on turn 3

it’s still basically an autoinclude in any white brawl deck though
since it’s a removal magnet

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like that Rider that would’ve been targeting a threat has to instead target your Magistrate because otherwise the whole strategy is busted and you don’t know when you’re next going to get some Removal

jeez this standard is either going to be a trainwreck or one of the most dynamic standards in a while

Lol theres a black sorcery for 3B with “choose odd or even. Exile all creatures with chosen CMC. 0 is even.”

Have the DCI done something to upset Mark Rosewater recently?

ah yes
in a standard which will feature Companion decks which can only use even (and presumably) or odd cards

this is exactly the kind of Good Balance™ we expect from WotC at this point

it’s like a mini void winnower, except it’s even less predictable what the impact of playing the card will be when you put it into your deck



Fertilid + Nethroi synergy is fairly obvious as a mana-fixer/ramp that is free to summon from the graveyard
really all this deck needs to be playable is a cheap mutate card

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yeah this Nethroi reanimator combo deck is going to be really fun to brew


reminder this is a SUPER good reanimator card

why tf are people joining my Cult, I haven’t been accepting members but I’m still getting them.

I wonder what happens to my cult when I leave in June tbh.


final card discussion for now

a golgari 3/1 manadorc that can selfmill two for 2 mana seems… pretty good?
not sure if it stands a chance of dethroning LE GOOSE or Paradise Druid for reanimator decks though




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they said it was impossible. they said that orzhov’s sole purpose was to provide good removal for Esper decks
but look at them now
NOW they also provide a good threat for Esper Hero!

That’s super cool sadly with all the busted cards idk if itll find a home which is a shame cuz it’s cool