54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

All odd one looks cool in Jund sac I was thinking

Cat.ovem mayhem devil judith Ayara bonecrushergiant beanstalk giant korvold all odd cmc

The 3/1 GB creature which mills 3 and let’s you put a land on top of your library?

That’s kinda shitty actually

I play Mire Triton in an uro sultai deck I have.

It’s a 2/1 deathtouxh which mills 2 and gains 2 life on etb. It’s crazy crazy good against aggro and helps u with the mill plan.

see i’m thinking about the costs
and I think Gorging Vuulture works better with Death’s Oasis?

because Vulture dies and mills 2, and then can get a Celebrant as a chumpblocker, which can then bring out a Serpent which can be put back into the graveyard for 2 more mill.

there arent really very good Abzan 1-drops, see.

Goose? 0 power and ramp

it’s not really worth reviving with Nethroi though, since if you are reviving Nethroi you ideally want to kill your opponent immediately

But nethrois 7 mana to mutate right?

Idk I feel like some ramp is a good idea and a free goose cld be useful sometimes

yeah i do need some good ramp

i think I’ll go for the classic Paradise Druid

Goose is good to mutate to cuz its its flying

Loose the gooose

I crafted a play set of goose even tho it’s rare so I’m trying to justify it lmao

the thread is still trying to take me to post 74
leave me alone cookie thread memory lane is really harsh

my head hurt


sulits pfp offend me