54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I changed !

What was so bad about it ):

I Hate that pfp

too bad I can’t find a new one I like

someone give me a pfp I’ll change it to that

I have the right to veto


I need to find cat pic one second


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can someone give me a good 9-player setup

Joat 9

elaborate por favor

2 goon 1 cop 6 vanilla works I think

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it was run here before, rather fun

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That one looks more fun if it balanced I guess

well it had me as Joat so pretty balanced as I fucked up got 1 mafia goon and immediatly nked but then the other got to end game

@N.1 you could always try to go water only whenever that rolls around

lenten promises never worked for me because i’m not religious but give something up anyways.

it’s just not that strong of a conviction for me.

new years resolutions dont rlly work well for me either but i was planning to cut sugary drinks anyways so i decided to do it then

the jewish version of lent is called yom kippur, the day of atonement. Usually about 10 days after Rosh Hashannah (the jewish new year).

It mainly involves around 8 hours of praying / services as well as unbreakable fasting from dawn until dusk on that one day per year.


if i were u i’d try to go water only during that time (if you actually do want to stop drinking juices)
the first like 2 weeks are kinda hell but after that it’s rlly not hard besides the occasional urge to drink something sugary

Rosh hashannah and yom kippur are known as the jewish high holidays. They involve skipping school to go to services for the entire day those two days every fall semester