54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the only good Boros Card i can think of is Deafening Clarion

and that’s just a board clear strapped to a Lifelink ability
and that’s it

cathatrtic reunion reprint
notice how my aura deck gets way better ways to dump auras into the graveyard for storm herald

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who would be interested in a 5e campaign

me as usual

tfw your statistics homework has you integrating in polar coordinates

tfw you have no fucking clue what that means

in one integral or a double integral?



why else use polar unless it was a line integral

now i dont know about you,
but for me line integrals tend to imply 1 integral for a 2 (or more i guess but we havent done that yet) variable function

Yeah p much why


From now on, I’m not changing the names of anyone currently alive in an ongoing game without a good reason.

It’s a pain for the hosts, and can potentially cause problems with the Discourse PM system.

(if you’re not sure if your reason is good you can ask me, I won’t be mad or make fun of you or anything. otherwise you can wait until you die.)


Can I change my name back to my original one? I changed it for a Danganronpa meme and it’s a bit over.

Sure, since it’s reverting to a previous name that basically everyone calls you that seems fine.

Also they died in AniFM

Not sure if they’re in anything else



i been playing through the og, and hes one of my favorites so far