54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

there is a pertinent reason why I also cannot do that, that happens to be the same reason

Uhhh… make a sacrifice to the Blood Gods maybe?

It happened to me a few days ago and then stopped happening as mysteriously as it started

try logging out and logging in again

thank you

@Icibalus theyre spoiling actually playble standard mutate cards today

i still question the strength of mutate tho

they confirmed no Collossal Dreadmaw reprint
can we get an F

i cri

5 imaginary bucks say they reprint divest

okay yeah this one is pretty fucking good

i cant see it lol. is it the blue flash draw a card one

there’s a good izzet one too

for the jeskai theme shard it feels like they’re just doing “good izzet cards with an occasional white thing thrown in” lol

it’s the blue flash combat damage one with a really cheap mutate cost, yeah

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that perfectly sums up MtG’s approach to white pretty much
“lol here’s some multicolored cards that are good that happen to include white and have like. lifelink or something. shaddup”

“also lifegain lmao”

imo the issue with the jeskai stuff is that boros fucking sucks atm and they never print any good boros cards

idek what boros cards are meant to do

we’re a mixture of rdw and white weenies cards but are slower than both
