54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

That’s why the area between that varies
Prescription drugs without a prescription count as being in that gray area.
Even if it’s only prescription somewhere else, and illegal where you are

Remember, only eat kids if your doctor prescribed them for you

What about eating kittens

last time i asked, they told me that they were calling the polish lease?

i was intimidated by the sound of poland so i ran away

Very bad idea would go see another doctor if a doctor prescribes you to eat kittens


So the only things which are in the only-bad area are stuff without legitimate medical reasons to be allowed somewhere

:eyes: that edit

wait so what about littens now i need to know

Littens are a sub category of kittens


That’s not a dumb thing to have issues with, it’s perfectly normal.

This is probably not going to help much, but just try to get into the correct mindset? That’s what usually helps me. When I know that I’m going to study, I pre-plan/try to think about beforehead.

Say, if I have a course at 10 AM, I go to sleep mentally reminding myself that I’m going to work on it from 10 to 12.
You could also set some ‘milestones’ for yourself if applicable, like “I will work on this for 1 hour and take a 5 minute break to make tea, then finish my task”.

Obviously can’t guarantee that it will work since I don’t know how your classes go, but still.

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fuck air is drugs, imma turn myself in

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top 10 tips school doesn’t want you to know

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Saliva is officially a drug

Saliva addiction

y’all do realize that if you flip the i and v that you get an actual drug

puts away ibuprofen

winners dont do drugs?

hides addiction of cetirizine hydrochloride and chemical burns from model glue

I need help
I’m arguing with one of my friends

does having a “town fruitvendor” in the rolelist break the game in any way