54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

prove it

I don’t even do drugs

I guess technically I drank some caffeinated tea earlier this week because I was tired? but that seems like a non-central example of doing drugs

Remember kids

Winners don’t use drugs

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Except steroids

In which case, use lots of drugs



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My mom told me

how did i recognize what game this was from without having played said game

in high school health class they told us that a drug was “any substance that alters your natural body chemistry”

food alters your body chemistry as it would exist if you don’t eat food

food is a drug

checkmate atheists


Illegal drugs = bad
Prescription drugs as prescribed = good

I haven’t played it either but like what else has that aesthetic and would go for that joke

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What about prescription drugs not as prescribed

Everything is a drug even…

That’s a vague area that varies on a case-by-case basis

Everything is a chemical, not everything is a drug, I believe

I feel like this classification scheme presupposes a greater distinction between ‘illegal drugs’ and ‘prescription drugs’ than actually exists

many (most?) recreational drugs are acknowledged to also have legitimate medical purposes, and in most cases are legal when prescribed for said purposes

If you swallow it it’s A drug

alright so you’re telling me that my addictions are just medical right

conversely, plenty of legal drugs can still have serious negative effects

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