54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the pweeentenwer

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Greg is amazing wdym

Judge title + golden armor gang


kat: names herself Judges Out
also kat: attempts to jump Chloe n1 and hits a bear

Get owned nerd


has been suspended from ToL before gang :sunglasses:

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Too soon dude

im a resident bad boy

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hey chloe are you the new roblox event?

because damn you’re acting like a child

Also a certain someone threatened to uwufy my neuts I made :^)

Haven’t followed through smh


i specifically said i wasn’t asking for conversion

i just said that the CL should use their 2nd night ability on someone

but i got suspended


Hey kat are you minecraft?

cuz imma block u

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isnt CLs second ability eradicate

i feel like you don’t get how multilayered my joke was

check what the roblox event is rn

is it?

i just said whichever one was conversion




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