54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

did I stutter


I know I had 8 years latin

I know that some neuts aren’t good neuts. But I’m using “good neuts” for “all neuts” regardless

Nah the one from BotF IV is way better :wink:


Orangeandblack5 : If you publicly claim to be the Orangeandblack5 after you are nominated but before players vote, and are then executed that same day, you win.


yes it’s a thing, but I’m joking about it being better

Also it’s evil

technically no

which one is this regarding to



well at least it should have been inq
mobile not good

yeah ToL Inq doesn’t benefit from openclaiming but it also doesn’t get punished for it

I think open inq is execute on sight, but BD just won’t do it

because neuts out is a bad idea even if they on average actively harm bd

open inq is rarely a top priority

But if you have nobody to kill, kill the dang inq at least

it’s got like three kills
that’s dangerous as fuck