54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

yeah i sure hope no void takes OUR cookie, jgoes


Okay so I have an idea.

A mix of Danganronpa and the heists from Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

The Void may or may not play a part in it.

Also this is completely unrelated but it is really hot here and I want ice cream.

Why are your opinions so illegally good.

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lowkey annoys me that i cant log into tol peroid
gets one’s noggin joggin yknow

how hot is it

its 32C here

do you get an error?

I woke up dying at 16C, please save me from this hellhole.


But that’s more than we’re used to here :wink:


this is about average for here

its also like

very not humid today, which is weird?

Also there’s weird things that look like ladybugs but aren’t and can’t fly. Everywhere.

are they neutral

if so kill them

I do not know their alignment, but my mother thinks they are up to something.

Regardless, I would not kill them if they were neutral.

lemme check what it is

Werewolf Online is decent

There’s also a social deduction game on Roblox except nobody deducts anything and it’s basically RNG.

…go on


I did that for some time, was really boring

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Oh right, I forgot to mention: Killers have to actually chase their target down and kill them or their attack fails.