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I don’t understand how you are even capable of living without being able to drive
In a city, sure
But what about if you want to live in less urban regions in future? What about if you want to make holidays? Aren’t you completely lost without being able to drive?

I’m basically certain that this will never be the case.

Planes exist; my stepmom is a flight attendant for United so I get huge discounts. Cross-country trains and busses also exist.

When reliable public transit can get you anywhere within 50 miles in any direction, I would say no, at least for myself.

If all else fails, I have uber, even though that’s absurdly expensive compared to public transit.

Okay that’s weird
I mean, learning to drive isn’t expensive, and it’s really important for your own future, for your independancy and your career, so… i have no idea how you are even capable of living without a car
But on the other side, towns in Germany are completely different than in the US.

public transport isnt reliable enough where i am for “not driving ever” to be a very valid option

if I had intended to finish getting my licence, I would have done so two summers ago.
There’s no way I’ll spend the time and resources to start everything over from scratch now since my permit has expired.

No one knows public transit like i do.

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I can explain why in further detail later if needed.

but that is not just a grandiose claim, I assure you.

Well, if it works then it works :eyes:

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This sounds more like there are too many obstacles for you, so you gave up
Not like you would abstain from car driving because you are an environmental activist
But you do you

yes i did give up
that 7 am driving school class was eating into my study time which absolutely was more important to me then
i do not regret that choice at all.

Just learn driving next year then, or the year after that? Whenever you find enough time
Only because you can’t do it this year, doesn’t mean you have now to decide that you’ll never learn it :eyes:

The biggest deterrent to me there is that I’d have to do the instructional lecture part and earn a new permit all over again before going back to the in-field training
Since my permit expired

For me it was the other way around
I learned practical driving before I got any theory lessons

Actually I’m not certain on this – I’ve never looked into it.
I should probably just stop by the DMV and ask – It would be great if they could renew my permit for free

It’s always the opposite in US

To be fair, my first driving lessons were in the night :joy:
I’ve learned driving at day time a few weeks later

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For the record I would love to drive some day if I could ever afford a Tesla
But i’m unsure if I’d ever be able to afford one

And on my first drive on the autobahn my teacher told me: “drive as fast as you think you can”…
Which led to me driving with 118 mph
I’ve never had an own car which was capable of driving that fast sadly :joy:

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