54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I’ve hated driving ever since I started learning and even though I know how to do it now, I actively avoid doing so and would rather use public transport.


I always got told I’m a really relaxed and safe driver.
Just turn on the radio, as long as it’s not distracting you from the street. I often sing or eat while driving (of course not with full speed :eyes:)
I just have fun when I drive, especially on autobahns or with big cars.
My favorite one (my parents sold him after many years tho :sob: ) looked like this one

I’m afraid that wouldn’t work. I hate every second of driving and manual transmission is FWEH.
But if you enjoy it, more power to you! I’m glad you do.

Ok to be fair, I always dreamed of becoming pilot one day ^^

Wut how

I wanted to be a pilot for a while when I was younger
Actually I’ve always wanted a career based in air or space; it’s just changed over time.

First it was Astronomer
Then Pilot
Then Astrophysicist
Then finally Aerospace Engineer, which I have settled on now.

Uh… highways are boring as hell… I learned it from my father
You basically always keep one hand on the wheel

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I think I gave up on being a pilot after my vision in my left eye started waning
My right eye still has perfect vision but my left eye is not great
To become a pilot you either have to have perfect vision or get surgery to correct your vision power back to perfection
I didn’t really want to go through such a kind of surgery haha

Yes I own a Monocle for reading purposes because of this, if anyone was wondering.

I’ve never stopped dreaming of becoming pilot, but if you are a woman, you aren’t allowed to do your obligatory hours while pregnant, so you lose all permits and have to start completely anew with lessons
So yea…

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fair haha

Also in US, as a commercial pilot you must work hundreds and hundreds of hours for cheap airlines and low pay before any quality airline will even consider hiring you

I didn’t want to be a civilian pilot :upside_down_face:

ah well then
I’m still considering enlisting in my country’s air force sometime
But currently I am not nearly fit enough to get accepted

Would def need to work out more for months before trying that

I literally bought a switch mainly just because it has one of the best sources of fitness for a person who needs to stay indoors (ring fit adventure)

i should probably play that more

Wii fit +

It’s a lot more effective than Wii Fit +, i assure you haha

Well in terms of cardio at least (which is def my favorite branch of exercise)

it’s less about price and more ease of travel

plus we have shit public transport