54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

In my parents’ town you can even see the milkyway with bare eyes
I have to go to the observatory here to do that >.>

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imagine having the physical strength and endurance to do more than the most basic excercise
this post was brought to you by about 15 minor disabilites

there are more theatres in cities
i rest my case


No this is great

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orange please don’t pull the “confused american rants about units” routine
we use miles and yards for cars and metric for everything else
we’re way more fucked up than you are

Also fwiw driving can be super cathartic

I very much enjoy long trips

I’ve literally been there and no you don’t

imagine actually liking having random people stop you in corridors and ask if you’re that guy everybody’s heard about

Like maybe you do

But not in Germany

That is a sign that not everyone knows you

Not a sign that everyone knows you


When my local paper published an article about the Solar Car Team

The ladies at our local bank were like freaking out the next time my dad went in and gave him like 10 copies of the paper

You just don’t get that in cities

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no trust me orange
everybody at my school knows my face and name and has a vague conception of my personality to boot
just with the “uses overly florid language to try and get strangers to go away using the power of LITERATURE” thing turned up a lot

to be fair I love the anonymity
So eh


you might like it but i do not like having unexpected conversations with people who I don’t know, unless it is very specifically some kind of performance


because i have asperger’s and i hate being socially noticed in any significant way

the only fame i would be legitimately comfortable with would be is if people only realized they’d met me after i have left, and i am already researching eldritch enchantments from beyond mortal understanding as a contingency plan for that specific scenario

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like – it’s not possible for me to maintain irl friendships
why would I want social attention otherwise

I don’t know how to explain this in words but I think you guys are both a bit off about what I’m getting at