54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

but if it’s text you are reading

and reading

is for nerds


i thought college professors were loaded

am i mistaken

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you poor boy

actually nvm its higher than i thought it was

but loaded is def wrong

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good thing I’m


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unpersoned, yes

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who wants me to watch CDDA

or play CDDA
im tired

I thought professors at least where i am make like 130k+

yea but they spend all that cash on several forms of drugs because of people like me and you

good point

have i mentioned how much i despise your pfp

Marshal-san has seen every anime on the face of this wretched earth

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me @ you

also this scene makes me cry and i refuse to watch it

dont fucking try that scene on me i’ve seen of mice and men

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its so fucking sad
it makes me bawl like a goddamn baby

why did you convert my slot

the description of that video :joy:

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