54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I still want someone to host a turbo game tbh

  • Force nerbins to host a turbo game
  • First option best option

0 voters

  • Secret Option C - No
  • Secret Option D - Maybe

0 voters

Dark theme won’t win

I can still see it.

we can see that tho

1 Like

There’s prob a certain hex code

Ryan, you play Monster Hunter?
This isn’t an out of nowhere question, this could play into something.

Can you see that?

I’ve played some in the past

Did I get the color?

I quickly checked and you didn’t…
Dark theme can still see it
The dark theme is horrible for my eyes

I could just about see it.
But it was a struggle

1 Like

Yes we can

I removed the darkness afterwards, the theme would take me a while to get used to


Test 2

Wait I think I got it?



That’s a different poll to marl :smirk:

i’ve edited in an out for them
I’ve saved them