54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

The tunneling would be impossible to contain

okay but imagine those two hydras

but they’re also both scum

tunnel each other anyway

if i ever played against an arete/vul hydra i would tunnel that slot so fucking hard into the ground

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italy would never get a hydra because he’s lonely :pepehands:

italy + amelia hydra

the “who?” duo

i’d approve of that just because it’d be called “italia”

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We’d actually just get nothing done at all

people forget we exist
until day 3 when people immediately start preflipping us as mafia

Then we somehow solve the game anyway

we get the perfect gamesolve with 0 effort
but then we get mislynched and everyone completely ignores it

I feel like that would be an alice and vulgard hydra

Emilia/hippo hydra still best hydra

Dies really early but gamesolves D1

alice/arete hydra actually
dies before the game even rands

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but instantly gamesolves within the first few posts even finding scum that haven’t posted yet

Either that or they survive to LyLo and are quickhammered within 30 seconds of SoD

eevee still wanted it to be re-reviewed

eevee sounds like a bigger nerd than you

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you said before to me via DM that you’d consider playing RM4
do you have the time?