54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Xblade + Eevee hydra

does priestess throw

just ban everybody

its a joke that she does in ToL

probbly doesnt apply here tho

Isaac + Margaret

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Priestess gets shot by Alice N1 as prince

OrangeandEmilia when

i play forum games similarly to her

we’re both always scummy :eyes:

Hhiippoollyyttoouss when

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marshal katze hydra when

Katze + sulit hydra

Both heads only communicate in cat

sulit isn’t crazy enough of a player to hydra with me

but the lolcats would be great

Me + DatBird

our hydra would simply be named :^)

our D1 would be awful

i don’t think we’d live to D2

Alice + Arete hydra
Game starts: Aliete has been killed!

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We would 100% be lynched d1 and if not then get killed n1 because our gamer energy would be too much

Marshal + katze hydra in the same game as me + arete hydra

arete doesnt get mislynched often though