54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

‘sure, we were intentionally pushing a mislynch on your slot while believing it to be a mislynch, as town, because we were annoyed that you were scumreading us, but this is really your fault for failing to find us as town’

have you played mystic messenger

i don’t even know what that is


I played badly and I cop to that


“wow marshete is tunneling us. What terrible mafia play”

proceeds to tunnel us for the rest of the game

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it’s my shitty dating game obsession
there’s a cat dad in it


yeah same we didn’t do well

but being called expletives and like worse then usual ones was pretty fucking irritating

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dw if you ever wanna see me just go to sleep
i’ll be standing in the darkest shadows when you wake up

have i sold you

especailly since it was from someone who did similarly poorly

italy’s in the second stage

think about the farm italy
loads shotgun

but Marshal they’re ~good players~ so we’re not allowed to scumread them and scumreading them makes us bad people

wait until ami actually ends up developing a sleep paralysis demon dressed up as a plague doctor because of this

suit yourself

being called expletives is empowering :eyes:

it’d be a dominatrix if anything


Marshal: makes two posts pushing on them out of four posts total


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you’ve clearly never seen the italy face reveal

but arete we spent 50% of our posts only to tunnel them.

we’re obviously scum