54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

so what you two are saying is you would join a game if i did right

only the mad and fools would even dare try to reach it
tho the buffs are p goof

i talk about it so much i expect somebody to eventually develop a plague doctor sleep paralysis demon and immediately start fearing that i really am one

stage 5 and 6 are the ones that let you wield the power of the gods


I would consider joining a game if people I knew and liked were on the player list and the people in question hadn’t joined? which is dumb and petty but not completely unreasonable

and if Marshal and I join it first they’ll probably avoid joining :^)

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how do you get to stage 6 if stage 5 is to literally be ami

even if they were in game i’d still play if kat was in ngl

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the best kind of petty

actually don’t answer that
i don’t want to know the answer to that if step 4 is marriage

i think im blushing

or i just wanna call you a nerd

and I mean

I’ll probably go back at some point, Marshal and I both accepted the rep nomination and I’m not intending to stay away forever


arete we just gotta beat em to it

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i don’t know why i accepted the nomination

i probably won’t make it and even if i did, i’d probably lose the game

part of why i wanted to play offsite was to do it under a different name for a bit though


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i’m cursed so that town can’t win if i’m town
it’s factual

the only game where i was town and town won
i was converted into a loss

5 is that you become jaded and are numb to everything like me
6 is something i’ve obtained

I would like to take a moment to remind everyone that that word is commonplace and not super strong in many other cultures

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Source: a few months in Australia

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