54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

we get it orange
your smart

I’d agree that it was less harmful but it was more unusual


at least we’re on the same page

Nobody tell N


magnet schools are just gentrification but with education

my high school had a fucking riot once
some students were sent to the hospital and even a teacher got hurt in the action

i don’t think we ever had any riots

i want a refund now

You definitely don’t know what I’m talking about if you think it involved me

put a fresh coat of paint on and nobody noticies the problems are still there

i wasn’t there to see it but there was a video

Btw I got 3 warns by the director
And I got suspended from one school trip
No joke

was it not solar car?


my high school made the news a couple times that I can remember

one of them was an article about how we were a bunch of nerds whose Mock Trial team was diligently doing homework despite being stranded in New York

the others were … somewhat less positive? but at least no one was getting stabbed?

I am good boye and only got called down to the office twice throughout middle and high school

bitch my school is tame

the biggest gossip is one of my classmates got expelled for leaking his ex-gf’s nudes and she left the school right after

i mean we all knew them cuz we are a class of like 100 so it was still kinda big news for us

Go re-read what I said

im pretty sure a kid was almost killed in my school for this

i knew the office staff on a first name basis

I got detention once in high school because I’d come late to class three times in a quarter?