54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

the cookie is mine

why do that at all

katze and chloe are some of the best ppl we have here i love them



my fucking discourse froze

i refreshed and marshal won

this is the worst timeline



i also lost the cookie because of lag

please step outside of your house so i may punch you in the face

also, no u

yeah me too. I checked the post before mine and it said 77 and i was like hype. then i refreshed and was like fuck…

ring my doorbell and I will


I missed it

dang it

it’s done that to me twice before

gimme a few minutes

why me tho i just shitpost and try to have fun with the game which occasionally involves idiocy
…maybe more than occasionally

discourse is pretty unreliable for me but at least my sister snipes cookies like a legend

I am already at your door open it

vulgard have you SEEN me play FM

you just ticked off everything i do

i tryhard more generally speaking…
…maybe i should tryhard less

also what number comes after this

do we go straight to 50k?