54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i have this bipolar playstyle where i completely switch gears once a game


petition for a one cookie per person policy

do the pro gamer move

i guess so?

i dont know how many of you can change the title

this is the world we live in now

we’re just over 10% there

if i can’t have the cookie nobody can
see you all in 7 years when we finally manage to get 456k posts

i should post more cat pics
i get 7 likes per cat pic

i mean, i don’t think this is the problem

you’re just VERY easy to read as V which means if you’re not obvious V you must be W :eyes:

i said in the RM4 thread you should play more like me as a joke but i think that at a surface level i play pretty much identically as V/W, and the only big differences are pretty subtle

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So uh

I’m curious how much resources this thread takes?


someone ping xblade

honestly i want to play another cult game w/ marshal
just to see how much we’ve both grown as players since NFoL4

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Print money

i mean people wolfread me in rokugan bc i entered the thread, shitposted, and gladiated marshal
i was v
in reality i had chosen crane clan in hopes of getting something like a gladiate and i got exactly that, then i thought “hey what if marshal is fooling my ass again and i could yeet him using my willpower” and then i gladiated him partially for the memes
then i realized i was an idiot and replaced out leaving ami to deal with the mess smh

Then wazza won

my thought was literally “i want to dab on marshal if he’s wolfing” without thinking “but what if he’s v”


yeah thats like, the one exception

and you doing that made me replacing into your scumgame in Vanilla Mafia a lot easier to justify so ty :eyes:

Using your abilities to hunt down and eliminate scum
Dueling marshal for the sixth time in a row