54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

well I mean

if you have to write a >10000 character case on who you think is a wolf

and you’re a wolf

you’re probably not going to think you’re a villager

if i agree to this i’m only gonna case myself if i rand wolf which is basically gonna out me to whoever read this

a trust tell is a specific form of alignment-indicative behavior used deliberately to gain an unfair advantage in your town games (so, distinct from meta)

for example, if you always hardclaim town in your first post when you’re town, and never when you’re Mafia, and appeal to that as a reason to townread you, then that’s a trust tell

trust tells are generally considered a form of cheating

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i like how you’re implying it’s possible i’m gonna misread my role pm and think i’m a villager when i’m a wolf


Would be trying to develop a fake trust tell for the first time be considered cheating?

I think it has to be considered cheating don’t you?

there’s also this experiment i’ve wanted to do for a while
don’t read your role pm until n1 and play until then with the assumption you’re a villager

That’s considered cheating on many sites

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what’s the reasoning there

I think that would be cheating yes

If no one read their class card in a game then the game of mafia is nothing more then a game of chance.

but like
how can you tell if somebody’s doing it, even

but its just a prank dude

points at the cameras

not that i wanna do it if it’s cheating

you have to type /confirm in your classcard

You have a good point though we should have a code word you have to find in your role PM and type in your class card pm

are you afraid by chance

are you afraid of chance

Like type the name of your faction and class, can actually work better

on MU they do this by making you click a link in your classcard and only letting you post if you’ve clicked it

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