54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Btw everything I’ve said in this thread for the past 20mins was a meme

I mean it’s much quicker to write than homosexual

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Remember when being gay meant being a homosexual men? Ahh the good days.

No I don’t because it was never specific to men

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Now moms are called.


Remember when being called gay had nothing to do with your sexual orientation?

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btw everything I did for the last 40 years was a meme
~the best defense for any mass murderer tbh

(joke btw)

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I like how I saw Solic about to post and then he noped

Did you know that 100% of deaths are caused by dying?

just because you’re correct dosen’t mean you’re right

:thinking: but no the person shot the other person

Did you know that 100% of serial killers are known to drink water?

Stop drinking water you horrible human being

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I only drink poison.

Here’s a question

Do you think the LGBTQ+ will lead to a slippery slope?

the number one cause of divorce is getting married
studies show that 9 out of 10 couplles got married before being divorced

You wouldn’t be dying if you weren’t shot, therefore I blame the gun.

also why 9/10


Does I count as gay if I am working on a LGBTQ+ right poster :thinking: