54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

i meant

who is the hardest person to read

that’s not why you keep getting mislynched

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Priestess I have a question

well, two questions

  • do you think I’m decent at scum
  • how many times have I been mislynched

you keep getting mislynched because your village play comes off as uselesly contrarian

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being unsolvable is actually +ev when you can find the perfect null zone where you are a poor nightkill but also not a priority lynch

Your reads in early game are extremely bad, but they get pretty good mid-game
You are trying as scum, but you are definitely not the best scum player
You don’t get mislynched cuz people like you :woman_shrugging:

and that’s not entirely your fault, it does tend to bias people against you unfairly, but it’s indicative of the fact that your reads aren’t very good, whifch is still a you problem

nah, arete doesn’t get lynched becaue they’re worth more alive than dead if they’re a villager

Exactly. You want to be a good BD player but a semi-bad scum player
Then you won’t get mislynched

what if you trick people into thinking you’re a good scum player

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what no
that is absolutely fucking not what’s happening


Just be good at everything


also i’m surprisingly good at escaping bad situations
which is strange when my plan is usually “improvise and question why nobody has killed you”

i hate that attitude for so many reasons, but most of all because it’s somehow anti-being-good-at-the-game


except, like

I am an objectively more successful wolf than you by any reasonable metric (this isn’t an insult, to be clear)

and I’ve been mislynched once ever in my FM career

thinking face

being mislynched is +EV because reasons

but i have that perfect toneread arete

Evo Mafia

like take Newcomb on MU, a player who is so good as a villager that if he rands wolf he literally has to bus by d2 otherwise he’ll be mislynched for not bringing in any pelts (i wish i was joking). he is nonetheless a good wolf, because wolfing and villaging aren’t just reversals of the same criteria


the reactiontest wasn’t for no reason

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