54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

But it’s been too long since I did any proper serious FM stuff that I wouldn’t be able to balance it correctly

I had more things I wanted to say about this

but then I didn’t write them

so instead I’m just posting the screenshot



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devotee when

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damn i might not get devotee becuase of that 1 day i missed

4 more months for my devotee 2 electric boogaloo

not sure

I’ve been visiting daily for a while but definitely not a full year

u should do a year anniversary AMA

I’m back with a new unearned custom title



I’m Arete

I’ve been on the forums for a year

ask me anything

How bad was Jojos fm for ya, cause I felt real bad

imagine having a custom title

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blame eevee

ok and me a little

I’m just getting ready to land myself on Orange’s wanted poster version 2.0

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the upshot of dying early is that I died before I had the chance to talk myself out of my reads

more seriously I’d basically been assuming I’d be able to spend my break playing JoJo

and then I died 2 hours and 23 minutes in

and then I had nothing to do



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do you feel like we’ve become more disconnected over time
idk nowadays it feels like we disagree on basically everything

you were the one who fired the shot

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is this a loaded question

Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 11.33.59 PM Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 11.34.06 PM

Kind of i guess?
just kind of wondering if you had any theories as to how we became so much more disconnected than we once were
as I have no clue