54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

I did try and find a mid-way point, I can see discussion leading towards either conclusion; it isn’t very clear cut

Well I have no problem with religion but I don’t like how I have been treated by christians they often tell me that I will be going to hell for being bisexual.

But there are only 4 people who do that the others are fine with me being bi.

I believe that is wrong if they’re condemning you for your sexuality.

Why would God exist if his people are so foul and quick to judge when the bible explicitly warns against this type of behaviour?

Yeah I guess I will be seeing them in hell.

No, absolutely not

Only the Tumblr side.

Ah yes because Tumblr is a hivemind where everyone is the same

Yeah the Tumblr side created a lot of stupid shit like Non-binary, genderfluid and Trans-age.

I mean no it didn’t

Consent makes the difference. Straight pedophilia/bestiality can exist just the same. I don’t see how it can open the door at all.

Regardless of your views on NB/fluid people, Tumblr didn’t “create” them


Uhh, yeah

It’s a fucking blogging website

I’m just going to point out what my view is as a Catholic

I don’t believe that your sexuality will determine whether you go to heaven or hell, I believe it is determined on whether you seek to find what is true and what you know to be true in whatever turn life takes.

I’m sorry if people condemn you and say you are going to hell because you are bisexual. They are wrong and they should be ashamed of themselves quite frankly

I mean I will go to hell but for other reasons lol.

Regardless of what “”“created”"" different things

“Please call me different pronouns” is never going to lead to pedophilia

Sexuality and Religion are two completely different discussions. I apologise for trying to start two at once lol

Nah its fine.