54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute






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It’s. 4:30. AM. Where. I. Am.

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In my situation it isn’t by choice (the reason is still the same), else I’d sleep for 12 hours like I do regularly.
But I kind of see what you mean.

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oh thank god someone shares the bEST timezone

inb4 N.1 comes and corrects me

im gonna cry
well i would cry if i wasn’t at work but
this hurts me on a spiritual level i care about your condition guys pls


Alice why are you awake

but like
what else am i gonna do
other than stay up really late

social distancing or something

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Vulgard you’re adorable

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no u

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im just
i know how it is to not get enough sleep
and it sucks
and i’ve been fighting it
and to see other people give into this hurts me

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though maybe you can’t help it tbh i don’t know the exact situations

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it turns out that having some semblance of structure in my life was load-bearing

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and now I don’t have that

I have nothing to do during the day other than staying at home, so I just sleep, so now I can’t fall asleep at night.

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honestly i get that
i have work and uni and stuff so i can’t say that about myself but i could see how that could make someone not sleep

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it’s still not a good sleep schedule but i guess you get 8 hours??
idk i’m not a scientist

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see like

most of high school and all of college i had ~6 (frequently less) hours of sleep a night

i just kind of learned how to operate at full capacity on 6

8 hours is scary

I mean I have uni

it’s just

right now we’re doing distance learning

and it turns out that I am somewhat bad at being a person

which to be fair I already knew
