54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

to be fair

I don’t think ToL Fool can win while alive

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fool king

that’s Neutral King winning while alive

At least you listened to me in that other game and took my Paladin claim.
But you still almost messed the Gossip up :^)

arete has pulled off some crazy shit tbh
they are underestimated a lot


hello i’m back


they are frighteningly good at looking town as scum it’s unbelievable

okay but it all worked out shut up

the same applies to katze but arete i think is superior at pushing mislynches

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does not compute

this is fact

since we’re all here
who wants to play a quick turbo?

So play with me again this evening, nerd.

I don’t even try to look town as scum I try to get mislynches off whatever it takes

and then for whatever reason people are like ‘yes this person who spent several days pushing disingenous CFDs from scum onto town is a villager’

you’re so easy to townread as wolf

but you still look town :upside_down_face:

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I should sleep

but I would be down to turbo instead

im easy to scumread as town

katze you replaced into a scummy af slot in nightless and ate so many townreads in such a short time

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idk what numbers we can get at this hour considering it’s just Icibalus And The “Should Be Asleep” Gang

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okay yeah but that’ll never happen again because people now think i have a good scumgame