54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Can we go back to talking about memes it was much more fun.

Marl go to DMs :smirk:

What’s the deal with airline food?


What do you know in regards to philosophical arguments for the existence of God?

Crocs are life.

The shoes or the animal?


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They typically are flawed? :smiley: Just hit me with them if they have convinced you and let’s see what they would do to me.

Soo did anyone watch the new Netflix show Insatiable?


What is your opinion on the molecular biology of the gene?

I started watching it and it was ok

I find it trash but the kind of trash that you love.

Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Did you try watching Disenchanted?
Disappointing to say the least.


It’s literally just

‘oh shes a rebellious princess so she drinks alcohol! its funny because its alcohol! get it?’

My life as a whole has convinced me that God exists and not a simple argument.

It would take more effort for me to read up on those arguments and explain them on a forum at 20 past 9 in the evening, if you’ve heard of the argument from contingency I know that is the one a prominent catholic theologian proposed.

What would prove to you that there is in fact a divine being?

I know there are atheists who will respond to that last statement with “that’s not my responsibility”. I will accept it if that is your response

I’m just going to say, I consider myself an atheist however, after touring Europe and going into all of those massive, grand churches. I definitely felt something in those churches I hadn’t before. So I really don’t know what to think.

God himself having a healthy debate about all my doubts/questions about him and proving them wrong.