54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Who are u

FoL 24

but they weren’t even trying to kill you

they got swapped into you

having good enough reads to be the N1 kill is enough for me to come out of the game knowing I did well. Not that that’s ever happened.

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he’s an ex-mod from The Old Days™

Long time ToL player.

katze: imma convert vulgard because he made a scum!katze case on D1 and it was really dumb but its scary

unseen: also lets kill marshal because reasons

king: lets SF vulgard hes strong

shurian: lets swap marshal and vulgard because fuck it

…n2: lets convert arete

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cool guy though
glad to have him back

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dont give him too much credit

he’s a total nerd

Who exactly

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i think we’re well past the point of pretending that being a nerd is in any way uncool

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the funny thing is, the first time I was SPK’d my reads weren’t even good

I just … somehow projected the illusion of competence, and they couldn’t kill the person with actually good reads because he was a claimed PR and the set-up had a protective role

Me being a nerd is outed info :^)

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That might leave a Good feeling but it doesnt mean you achieved anything significant in that game

maybe but bullying ans is fun


You don’t have to do an epic gamer gambit to be a good player. Besides, what do you think protectives are for?

Arete the Princess!

N1 - Flirt Ans: Special or Nerd


He’s a fledgeling god
leave him alone

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Marl dying a lot N1 was mostly a fluke, to be honest. After a while, he just became a doctor magnet.

exactly why i said “spk”