54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

it’s a slippery slope, and nontheless it’s still against the rules

(Censorship is bad)

what if I told you I’m a Christian but not a creationist

I just found out Marcus’ profile picture is Yoda and now I have so many questions.

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I’m hoping I fit both of those categories so I can get a girlfriend!

probably not tho


it’s not censorship it’s preventing the inevitable flame war

@Marcus_Doodalee I know, but it’s so hard to resist strawmanning the religious person as a fundamentalist somehow

You hope you are under 18?


14 reasons why.

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You’re stereotyping religious discussion whilst stereotyping religious fundamentalism in the same breath

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being both right and wrong at the same time
that’s the atheiest gaurentee™

To be fair I am so. I just don’t want to be an adult

Your spelling is a meme Ici xD

Do what Tubmlr users do claim that you are trans-age.

Backseat modding is also against the rules

I’m watching the thread, so long as it doesn’t devolve into people being rude and insulting each other, it’s fine


Fuck I ain’t no pedo go away

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eh, fine.

i suppose i’ll jump in because I do like discussing religion with people despite the controversy of the topic

I’d just like to say I don’t think Solic is going theist today, just like I won’t become an atheist today, we’re having a good fruitful discussion for the time being.

Don’t be sad because it’s over, smile because it happened :slight_smile:

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Icibalus more like Icibadus lmao gottem