54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

Whenever someone says self resolving in thread your role slowly loses power

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ic but can only reveal in very speciifc conditions

My slot dominated the game when i wasn’t great
man that was a hoot

they clutched by tricking scum into thinking they were the cop and got sacked as the cop redchecked the last goon

Italy would have a 1-shot lynchimmunity
Instead of dying he becomes modconfirmed scum

as in extremely specific decisions that sound like a variation on D.Va from Overwatch mash

the only legal community ic would be emilia


Why do we start discussing something fun when I should be starting school work you guys suck

Tbh i haven’t had had bad experiences on MU
I’ve done 36/12 before

But i’d def only play there again if at least 1-2 other people from this site were there in the game with me

no no no the joke is that the IC only can reveal in conditions that sound like Suicide Bomber conditions :^)


isaac gonzalez would be the dayvig
you just have to call someone a noob

also not sure if im allowed to make a new account there lol
i irreversably locked myself out of my old account there permenantly just like i did here

it reflects the whole “self-resolving” thing and also references D.Va from Overwatch Mash aka “We all somehow trust marl offering 5 public modpeeks for people who vote him”

oh i see
you deleted the email it’s linked to

boom bye noob

yup for both
and right before i logged out for the last time, i set the password to keyboard mash giberish that i never recorded

because you get creeped out by robots and thought you’d never play there again
i get it

Wouldnt deleting the account be more simple?

hippo would be joat that switches between the infinite alts of hippolytus

but they conspicuously all have the same abilities

you can’t just delete accounts on MU