54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

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yeah it’d actually have to be functional

I’m actually creating one RN out of boredom, tbh.

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if i could be a mechanic oracle with a day 5 only one-shot cop

margaret would probably get a vig and a gladiate

compulsive loyal gladiator

by the way, question
where on this forum do you ask for help with designing a setup?
not reviewing

I guess just here

tbf I’ve definitely done this as town

i’m working on a big medieval/fantasy themed closed mash with ITAs and it’d be nice to get a passionate soul to help out with the mechanics etc.

bad bops head

Well what mechanics?

Closed mechanics :upside_down_face:

Oh well then it seems like hes asking for a cohost/codesigner. I’m a bit too busy for that atm but feel free to run ideas by me

It’s not often but it has happened

Go to osie tbh lmao

It’s snowing

It’s actually fucking snowing

Holy shit it is