54321st Poster gets a cookie - mods are cute

In late april

Fuck THIS it was getting warm

You said that and I legit turned and open my window like “no way”


Let’s be real

Nobody’s going anywhere anyways

pls let me help

Yeah but I can’t go outside now it’s cold

im dying to help design someone else’s setup for once

It was like in the 70s I want a refund

We live in a society

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i mostly need help with balancing so it’s not an absolute balance mess when it’s sent in for review

Pretty much me when I woke up this morning


if u want then sure but considering the amount of s e c r e t s in this setup it’d have to be clandestine :eyes:

what’s their handle on the forum i’m gonna ping them

I’m pretty sure they don’t check here lol

make a design cord lol
like the ones i use

when u agree to help me design it u can’t play in it because it’s closed

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that’s the thing

of course i know that

@osieorb18 but you’d be better off at osieorb18#0126